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6th network meeting

6th network meeting

What's happening in the Smart Production Lab and what's driving the industry? - That was the motto of the Smart Production Lab's 6th network meeting on June 5, 2024, when the Lab's cooperation partners came together to discuss current topics with the team from the Institute of Industrial Management. At the beginning, the cooperation partners were presented with the progress in the lab and current projects. DI Helmut Ropin presented the current status of the FFG project ReWaste F on the topic of impurity detection in a waste processing plant in the waste industry. The energy tracking of an individual product during production using sensors connected to an IoT platform was explained by Philipp Buchner, BSc. On the subject of the digital production process, DI Lena Leitenbauer and Christoph Pils, BSc. presented a way to accompany the employee during the process with relevant information on various end devices using the Augmentir tool. To conclude the progress overview, Christine Lichem-Herzog gave an insight into future topics relevant to the workplace, such as motion capturing and tracking as well as physical employee support using exoskeletons. In the second block, the participants' pain points were clustered in a moderated discussion and the trends identified from this were listed. Before the participants were able to get together and exchange further opinions on the topics, Knapp officially handed over the Open Shuttle to the Smart Production Lab by DI Schnabl Roman.
Thanks to all the cooperation partners who took the time to discuss the joint collaboration.

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